240422 Oromo tray - 2.jpeg 240422 Oromo tray - 4.jpeg

Oromo tray No 36

Limited Availability
020924 Miscallenous pieces african - 7.jpeg 020924 Miscallenous pieces african - 8.jpeg

Oromo tray No 39

Limited Availability
Oromo tray No 37 240718 African bowls and other - 96.jpeg

Oromo tray No 37

Limited Availability
Oromo tray No 40 240718 African bowls and other - 65.jpeg
sold out

Oromo tray No 40

Oromo tray No 38 240718 African bowls and other - 84.jpeg
sold out

Oromo tray No 38

Round tray with feet N° 12 240718 African bowls and other - 103.jpeg
sold out

Round tray with feet N° 12

240718 African bowls and other - 110.jpeg 240718 African bowls and other - 112.jpeg
sold out

Round tray with feet N° 11

Round tray with feet N° 10 240718 African bowls and other - 123.jpeg
sold out

Round tray with feet N° 10

Round tray with feet N° 9 240718 African bowls and other - 129.jpeg
sold out

Round tray with feet N° 9
